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Forest Mandala Blog


Got deer?

Dec. 13 10:40AM 46F This morning's visit to the mandala offers a reprieve from finals week's exams and grading. The building is much...


Nov. 21 1PM 50F It's pretty quiet here today, or at least it seems so. Campus is deserted for the Thanksgiving break. The natural...

The stream

Oct. 31 9:30AM I've been wanting to focus on the stream for a while now but it's getting a little late in the season. It's the middle of...

Canopy above

Oct. 17 10:30AM 62F I've been wanting to explore different aspects of the mandala, different perspectives, different components. Today,...

Soggy saga

Sept. 28 1PM 72F It's a calm, peaceful afternoon at the mandala. The sun is out, the sky is blue. Temperatures must be near normal for...

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